Afternoon Enrichment

(must be 2 ½ and potty trained to participate)
Afternoons – Sign up in 6-10 week sessions

Afternoon classes are available to help you round out your child’s school day. There are many flexible options every day!

  • Forty-five minute lunch sessions, parents provide lunch

  • Lunch and Enrichment – 2pm or 3pm pickup, parents provide lunch

Each session is designed to be fun and challenging while advancing motor skills, creativity, social-emotional and cognitive skills. Classes include:

  • Creative Cooks

    • Cooking with Chef Angie nurtures the lifetime skill of healthy cooking starting at a young age. Children engaged in tactile experiences, such as handling foods, have less food neophobia (food fear) and greater acceptance of eating a variety of foods.

    • The children try new and healthy foods while being immersed in their senses. While kneading, tossing, pouring, smelling, cutting, and feeling foods they have fun and learn without being aware of it.

  • Explorations in Art

    • Art fosters creativity as children express themselves and use their imagination. 

    • Children problem solve as they think through how to make their ideas become reality.

    • Art helps children learn about color, balance, perspective, and layout; important visual learning skills. 

    • Art can help children develop self-esteem and social skills needed for social interactions and emotional regulation.  

  • Extended Learning for Pre-K and Nursery

    • Nursery and Pre-K children have the opportunity to further explore our curriculum through an afternoon of academic, social - emotional, cognitive and gross motor learning experiences.


    • Our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) class uses hands-on experiences to encourage children to ask questions, embrace failure and create without boundaries.

    • Hands-on learning allows children to become confident, creative problem solvers as they explore a wide range of topics.

    • Children learn to ask questions about each topic of study and are encouraged to be inquisitive and curious.

  • Fun Fridays

    • It’s the end of the week but there is still much fun and learning to be had!

    • Fun Fridays explore science, art, movement and literature through fun activities.